
Morning Earth Korea is an outgrowth of the more than 40 years of research Arthur Kyung Jae Park and Mary Rae Park have been doing on various aspects of Korean Arts and Culture.  Morning Earth Korea evolved from their pottery Morning Earth.  After Arthur had studied with two Japanese Intangible Cultural Treasures in ceramics and having worked in Korea with a famous Korean potter the initially focused was on Korean ceramics and Korean ceramic forming processes.  A private grant in 1996 to teach these ceramic processes to teachers and ceramic artists served as a catalyst for the work they are doing today.
Arthur and Mary Park provided Korean ceramic workshops to more than 3500 teachers and artists and led to tours to Korea for people from more than 20 countries.  Their tours to Korea led to being able to offer exhibits in Korea for ceramic artists from many countries. Exhibits and tours in Korea led to introductions to many Korean ceramic artists and international artists and ultimately to a profound interest in Korean tea.

Morning Earth Korea is simply here to help you understand and gain access to Korea so that you might learn more about Korean culture.  Their pre-planned annual tours will most likely continue to focus on Korean Ceramics and/or Korean Tea.  However, Arthur and Mary now have significant contacts throughout Korea in numerous fields and are able to connect you to Korea in many ways and to significant people in nearly any subject area.  They can help your Korean Meet Up Group plan a special tour for your members based on what you want to see.  Because they have personal artist and other contacts throughout Korea, they can help your family visit Korea again “for the very first time”.  They can help you form private and/or business connections and/or tours designed around your interests.  They can help you acquire a teacup, a bag of special Korean artisan tea or a major art work or works in any medium for your home or gallery.  Morning Earth Korea is here in many ways to simply help you understand and connect with Korea.

Are you interested in digital presentations on Korean arts or on Korean Tea.  Morning Earth Korea may be able to help.  Historically, their workshops and presentations reached many schools, universities, art centers and museums. These included presentations and workshops at the Metropolitan Museum of Art NY (twice) and the Cleveland Museum (twice).  Arthur was honored to be invited to present the Keynote Address at the 2010 International Ulsan Onggi Exposition in Ulsan, Korea.  They are currently limiting the number of workshops and presentations they present each year however  inquiries about workshops and presentations will be considered.

How can Morning Earth Korea help you? Contact us.